Hello one and all, well the site is pretty much back online. Hopefully for good this time. I’ll be updating the site again. Most of the information on the site is out of date, I have already come across several mistakes and there is still quite a bit of stuff needing created.
Let me know what you think in the Comments. I’ve been out of the game for awhile, so who knows whether there are still many fans of the site out there. If not, well I’ll just have to impress new people with all the content and information we can provide you!
Maybe a bit of a reintroduction is in order, for the visitors coming to the site for the first time you won’t find manga or anime downloads here. We’re just an information and news site, and we hope to be a damn good one at that. We won’t have prizes to give away, or servers with big downloads for you. We’re just a small little site, dedicated to bringing you cool and interesting features dedicated to the world of Naruto.