Jpn. Sundays Boruto: Latest Episode
Shippuuden Episodes 248 and 249 Air
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 11:40 am on 2/9/2012
The masked man is on the offensive! What ill tidings does his arrival foretell? Episode 248 is titled The Fourth Hokage’s Death Match and 249 is Thank You.
Click For Episode 248 Spoiler Preview Image:
Meeting at last
The subbed episode is viewable on Crunchyroll with a paid membership here and here. It will be free at that site one week from airing. You can view my comments and discuss this latest episode in our forums! Click here to view the discussion! Caution, there are spoilers present! If you are a new user and have yet to register to post on the forum, click here.
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Chapter 684 (Spoilers)

Boruto Anime
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February 9th, 2012 at 12:26 pm
Minato vs Tobi was really nice loved it.
Also intersting to see Tobi’s hand melt of i try to remember where we saw it alrdy have we not seen something like it when Orochimaru’s face was hit and it melt of from his vessel’s face underneath?
The rest was really sad the way Naruto’s parents died.
February 9th, 2012 at 12:27 pm
Beautiful! But why the comic book animation during the attack? It is SO out of place! Minato’s fight with Tobi was great but sealing the Ninetails was kinda drawn out, do you really think the Kyuubi would really just sit there with its claw throught them for that long while Kushina says her last words to Naruto?
February 9th, 2012 at 1:19 pm
@Tro that was the fight with Danzo and his crew.
February 9th, 2012 at 4:24 pm
great episodes and great animation the style they used when kyubi destroys the village was soooo awesome…
February 9th, 2012 at 5:24 pm
this episode is so epic.. watching minato and tobi fight is goood while i am destroying the village.lol
February 10th, 2012 at 2:51 am
one of the best naruto episodes ever! if you have been watching the naruto anime for the past 5 years no matter how tough u are this will make you cry. Remembering all the things naruto had to go through xd . i know this sounds weird coming from a guy but that episode was just too good . Now everything is revealed at last . I wish if naruto was always like that . 2 episodes per week.
February 10th, 2012 at 3:04 am
this episode is just connected so much to the first episodes of naruto ,the thing that made u into naruto . Watch the first outro of naruto and u will know what i mean ,the song wind(dont cry) …i hope u do not read the manga because people only start reading the manga cause they could not wait for the new episodes ,most people.
February 10th, 2012 at 3:19 am
to sum it all this episode was just ,well thats one of the few japanese words i learnt from the show ,SUKAYHHH!!!!
February 10th, 2012 at 12:12 pm
@MEEE Yeah I read the manga, fillers ruins the connections as well as the general plot overall. Especially in shippuden as it is 2 normal seasons(follows the plot) then it was 1 filler and 1 normal after that.so we could be on a much lower episode count if they did not have them. Part 1 would be near 125 episodes if they did not have fillers there and now in part 2 we would be yeah 139 ish number because of that.
February 10th, 2012 at 3:19 pm
@ 9, Over the years, I’ve always said I’m not going to watch the fillers but I end up watching them anyway. The weird thing is, I hardly remember them. The only parts I remember w/lots of detail are also the parts that are from the manga. I guess I tend to forget about the poop.
February 10th, 2012 at 7:26 pm
i really hope they make the next fight thats coming up all fit in one episode to all anime only people get ready guys about to do something AWESOME
February 10th, 2012 at 10:48 pm
Finally this little part is over, I’m way too excited for Kisame vs. Guy (Afternoon Tiger!)
February 11th, 2012 at 12:35 am
i agree with you,the fillers are disgusting and unbelievable. They want to make as much money as they can as they know no one would care read the manga if it came after the anime. 5 years ago when the first 100 filler episodes came before the time skip ,i could not wait any longer and started reading the manga as i thought the manga has the end of naruto but then after reading till the last manga which was out ,it had itachi’s death at that time ,i decided i will not read the manga again as it took away that naruto goosebumps u got when the song starts (so si! so si) 😛 hehe in shippudden its not there either 🙁 but still anime is 100x better and worth the wait . Do not ruin the story for your self by reading the manga . u started naruto cause of the anime (most people )
February 11th, 2012 at 1:10 am
@MEEE Yeah I started with the Anime wich a friend of mine introduced me too but after 3-4 seasons into shippuden I could not stand that ride so I had to start reading. But I still get chills when I see it animated. like these episodes still very sad as well as that was some 80 chapters back so… almost forgot about some of it.
February 11th, 2012 at 1:30 am
During Kushina’s final words for Naruto was so overwhelmingly. Just definitely I cried.. a mother’s love T___T
Minato & Tobi’s fight was really awesome, wish it could have been longer. Minato’s Flying Thunder Technique is great!!
February 11th, 2012 at 4:37 am
I actually did the math if there was one chapter every single week and each episode only covered 2 chapters and there was no breaks it would take 57 weeks for the anime to catch up to exactly where the manga is at that time