Jpn. Sundays Boruto: Latest Episode
Chapter 592 Released
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 9:12 am on 7/4/2012
Chapter 592 has been released!
Click For Chapter 592 Spoiler Preview:
Three figures still stand against the Shinobi Alliance. Madara, Tobi and Sasuke. What will each man do now?…
 What now?
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July 4th, 2012 at 9:59 am
I guess orochimaru isturly a snake in the grass. If he was a bar of soap, then he would be a inmates worst friend.
July 4th, 2012 at 10:31 am
@1 thats funny lol
But the chapter was good but way to short and if madera summon kurma would it be pulled out of naruto or would he just summon naruto
July 4th, 2012 at 11:04 am
great chapter finely something new t look forwared to. so many new ?’s . will tobi reveal his true idenity? what i this 3rd great power? where is oro. hiding? what does sasuke plan to do when he finds oro.? how will naruto handle the juubi? it is about time we get some new twist in this story .i truely cannot wait for next week.
July 4th, 2012 at 11:25 am
Uchiha madara the only man who could get bored with a fight with the 5 kage
July 4th, 2012 at 11:25 am
So, Tobi just threw the sealed Kin- and Ginkaku into the mouth of Gedo-Mazo??
I feel a Juubi coming up in a few weeks.
July 4th, 2012 at 2:10 pm
5/5 Because it showed us the progression sasuke’s attitude towards learning the truth. I’m expecting either a sasuke vs madara soon or madara and tobi to make naruto’s battle harder. Can’t wait to see oro again 😀 good times
July 4th, 2012 at 3:26 pm
That was an interesting chapter. I’m looking forward to seeing what the activated Gedo Mazo can pull off, even though I’m sure that using a portion of the Kyuubi’s chakra rather than the Kyuubi himself will have its downsides and will be exploited by Naruto in some way.
It’s also great to see the change of attitude in Sasuke. I’m glad to see he’s straying from his crappy, stereotype path of “revenge” to do some actual investigation, thinking and questioning, like a clever person should do.
And I’m really looking forward to seeing Orochimaru again. He’s always been one of my favorite characters, and I wonder how Sasuke is planning to talk to him. Being sealed away by Totsuka seems like a pretty permanent way to get rid of someone. On the other hand, Orochimaru has shown some suprising skills and abilities before. I’m sure his years of research have paid off and he’s got quite something to tell us about the Senjuu and the Uchiha.
July 4th, 2012 at 3:54 pm
A short but very interesting chapter, it’s becoming clear that Sasuke wants the truth as much as he does revenge, but Itachi sealed orochimaru in the sword of Totsuka didn’t he, how Sasuke going to meet him and get out nvrmind, somehow he will find a way.
Madara seems bored with the Kage, but he’s clearly too powerful from them, I bet Madara’s eyes are holding an absurdly strong genjutsu too, we’ll see that in time.
Tobi seems pressured if he’s going to restore the Juubi now, I have a feeling Kurama is going to appear again and reveal something, maybe we’ll learn a thing or two about Tobi.
July 4th, 2012 at 4:32 pm
i have a feeling that oro left like some kind of gentic clone of himself behind like locked away and it has all of his memory and power and stuff like that and like needs to be activiated. and sasuke is going to activate and learn what he can from him. I mean oro wasnt stupid enough to have something as small as death stop him from completing his plans he has to have had a back up
Also for the record im narutoboy17 i just wanted to change my name ive been using it for like 2 yrs now and decided to use the orignal name i used when i first started using the site.
July 5th, 2012 at 2:41 am
Well, it has been stated before that Orochimaru is slowly taking over the body of Kabuto right? Sasuke is probably going to pump in Anko’s chakra into Kabuto’s body and have Orochimaru return. I guess that as long Orochimaru’s chakra is around, Orochimaru himself is around. In a way, he has gained immortality… Very interesting.
Also, Tobi is getting rather impatient, he is being forced into using Gedo Mazo. I guess we know that he will fail… Will he interact with Madara?
July 5th, 2012 at 5:08 am
Its gonna be interesting seeing Orochimaru again, wonder what he knows, and im getting sick of the kages now one of them needs to die in this.
I feel Kishimoto has made the whole concept of the war dissapointing :/
July 5th, 2012 at 5:32 am
if tobi turns out to be orochimaru i wouldnt be suprized, maybe bit farfetched but with kishi who knows in the end maybe tobi will be a man that had surgery and became a woman with a deep voice 😛
July 5th, 2012 at 8:22 am
I think part of orochimaru is sealed in anko, because she still has the curse mark, but it should have been gone after itachi sealed orochimaru.
It looks like tobi will probably summon a incomplete juubi kinda like killer bee’s version 2
and if anyone is going to die it will be tscuikage or tsunade
July 5th, 2012 at 9:38 am
Great chapter indeed, Sasuke overthinking himself and his actions do make him appear more mature.
It is awesome he finally got the scroll from Suigetsu, but Orochimaru alive? This is getting too much if you ask me. How many times does the guy have to die/or be sealed?
At any rate, if Orochimaru is still around, I don’t think he will willingly cooperate with Sasuke that easily. He did “betray” his former “teacher”.
As for Tobi, yes he is desperate. We saw Minato kicking his ass 16 years ago, so Naruto should be able to do the same. Especially with Bee, Kakashi and Gai backing him up.
I wonder what flaws the Juubi will have though, due to being incomplete.
And lastly, Madara is really starting to bore me. We know the man has godlike powers, he could easily kill off some Kage, so do it for godsake. I mean, he’s constantly rubbing them in on how weak they are, so back up your words then. Some will definitely disagree with me here, but I find Madara one dissapointing antagonist.
He was pictured as this legendary Uchiha shinobi with amazing powers, being able to control the Kyuubi and go head-to-head with Hashirama, but he is too bored to kill the Kage? Give me a break…
July 5th, 2012 at 11:23 am
@, 14 madara is still the same person.. How can he do something if the author doesnt wanna kill them off i mean they all should b dead look at all d crap.he did to them especially tsunade n old man.. Soo u cant say he is just talk. Its not his fault. Kishi has made this a terrible war.. Only if real life all good guys won
July 5th, 2012 at 11:39 am
@15 I agree with you when it comes to Kishi making the choices to whether or not kill a character in the series. Yet through Madara, Kishi stated Tsunade would be the first he would kill, due to her being the descendant of Hashirama. He’s had like 3 chances to finish Tsunade now, yet she lives. So making Madara say he is bored with fighting the Kage is contradicting his former statement.
The war as a whole is nice if you ask me, lots of character developments and introductions. It is the details that are bothering me.
July 5th, 2012 at 12:46 pm
The Kage seem to survive every attack of Madara. Thinking over how powerful they are seperately and how miserable together makes me disappointed, though they had some great co-op attacks against Madara. They only use ninjutsu with some taijutsu.
July 5th, 2012 at 12:54 pm
MisticVegeta: I’ve written my opinion of this war before. On Tobi’s side there are a lot of new chars (Kin&Gin bros, edo tensei: seven swordsmen, pakura, gari, madara, kages etc.) but on the side of the shinobi world there are average ninjas in every episode (except the already known ones).. This war had the opportunity to reveal new characters, rare abilities to the Naruto-fans, but it just did not come. :S
July 5th, 2012 at 1:08 pm
Has anyone noticed that madara hasn’t used Amaterasu or Genjutsu? And I’m sorry to ruin anyones vision of Madara but don’t forget he is in a modified/enhanced body its like a combonation of everything posible to make him strong his body from when it was most powerful a lot of senju DNA, which gives him more chakra then he would have ever had as an uchia and wood release
July 5th, 2012 at 8:05 pm
Y is everyone goin on about madara he too strong he overpowered r u serious.. Look wat he did to naruto he made hime ten times stronger then.anyone even the kyubi himeelf would hav run out of chakra by now… But hey kishi wants to do watever he wanna do sooyea just my side of the idea
July 5th, 2012 at 8:06 pm
I just wanna know how orochimaru is gonna come back..
July 6th, 2012 at 6:21 am
@21 i have a feeling oro left some kind of genetic clone also @20 well madara has unlimited charka ive said this in the past i know that madara was alive and facing these 5 kage he would have died a long time ago from exhaustion. plus this madara is a combo of madara and the first already increasing his power so the orginal madarra wasnt anywhere near this kind of stregnth.
July 6th, 2012 at 6:48 am
@22 thank you I thought no one realized that kus everyone is like oh Madara is soo powerful but its not even really him
July 6th, 2012 at 10:04 am
@23 i know its like hello people also madara died somebody had to have killed him but whom? i have a feeling unless madara killed himself in order to be brought back at a later date via the justu nagato used to bring back to life the citizens of konoha cause thats how he thought he was brought back when he first showed up. Also another thing people seem to forget about madara is that if it wasnt for edo tensi he would have died when he summoned the meteors to destory the fourth division just imagine how different of a fight it would be if not only the 5 kage but thousands of shinobi as well
July 6th, 2012 at 3:38 pm
It would be kinda funny if Tobi killed Madara and made a deal with Orochimaru of some sorts… I think that would be a possible scenario… Right? It would explain how Kabuto and Orochimaru got the body of Madara, why Sasuke would want to meet Orochimaru, that the scroll holds this information, somebody with the power to kill Madara etc. etc.
What are your thoughts on this?
July 6th, 2012 at 3:55 pm
@25 poss although i have a feeling the scroll has details to the truth behind the juubi
July 6th, 2012 at 8:42 pm
Hey guys I have a feeling I know what the last naruto chapter will be cause kishimoto said in an interview that naruto wont make it out of 2012 and chapter 606 is on October 10th aka naruto Bday idk about u but thats a pretty awesome day to end u manga on the title characters bday and yes October 10th is a Wednesday but 606 is assuming he doesn’t take anymore breaks
July 7th, 2012 at 9:21 am
Hey all! First ever post…I don’t know if I’m just looking for things so I found something, but please guys go to page 7 of the most recent chapter. Zoom in where the caption bubble says It’s already late … If you look closely it appears to be a spirit holding a sword and a book with a symbol on it who is saying it’s already late. Any ideas about what this could mean?
July 7th, 2012 at 9:35 am
on the last page, Madara is holding his neck right where an oro curse mark would be- at the same time tobi is making a symbol, any chance tobi=oro or some connection between them?
July 7th, 2012 at 1:07 pm
@29 Great idea to take a curse mark on Madara and get him in connection with Orochimaru + that’s a way how he could get his DNA. BUT let’s evaluate how many years are between a 18 year old Orochimaru and and old Madara. I think there was a slight chance for Orochimaru to make it, but it’s more certain to say it’s a bit more complicated..
July 7th, 2012 at 1:29 pm
Hey everyone I just reread the chapter and when jugo says Madara is still around how does Sasuke know who he is talking about? As far as I know sasuke was told by tobi that he was Madara he doesn’t know about the real one does he? And when sasuke has the flash back who of Itachi and Sasui and then says so he is still atound who is he talking about? Ik it seems like he is talking about Madara but he says it right after the flash back
July 7th, 2012 at 5:12 pm
@32 in a previous chapter Sasuke referred to the masked man as tobi instead of madara. Either Sasuke knew all along or Tobi told him about himself. Not sure
July 7th, 2012 at 11:52 pm
ill cut to the chase guys,tobi is obito,madara released himself from death therefore alive again,the incomplete juubi will loose to naruto & kurama,sasuke & naruto teams up against obito…..blah blah blha.
July 8th, 2012 at 7:10 am
@kjames for a second i thought u were refering to urself i was like ok @32 what did 32 have to say wait 31 oo hes 32 XD
July 8th, 2012 at 1:34 pm
@33 how do you explain obito being Tobi? Do not forget that obito and kakashi should be around the same age (30ish). And approx. 17 years ago in the series, Tobi fought the 4th…. even if obito survived he’d be way too young. Its not him.
July 8th, 2012 at 1:49 pm
You guys, I have a theory concerning Madara and Tobi’s identity. It’s quite the story, but perhaps worth reading.
The biggest thing they both have in common, is their hatred towards the Senju. We all know the reason why Madara hates the Senju, but why Tobi?
This given, we can say he is an Uchiha. But which Uchiha? Here I say Uchiha Kagami.
I’ll explain why: Kagami is Madara’s son. Madara is about the same age as Hashirama, and Kagami is from Hiruzen’s generation, so it is very plausible.
This would automatically give Kagami’s motive to hate the Senju: His father’s great loss towards Hashirama and his appeared-to-be-death.
Now how did Kagami become Tobi? We were never told what happened to Kagami, so this is my thought:
Because of his former mentioned motive, he fled the village around the time Hiruzen just became Hokage. Hiruzen and Danzou went after him and they battled. All severely injured, Kagami made his escape. Danzou wanted to kill him at the last second, but Hiruzen told him not to, as his Hokage.
Kagami escapes and finds his father (Madara), right before he died. Using the tissue obtained from Hashirama, Madara created Zetsu, and used Zetsu’s DNA to heal the near-death injured Kagami.
This all is just a thought, but what do you guys think? Let me know.
July 8th, 2012 at 4:18 pm
@MisticVegeta. I must admit, very nice Lol. You could be a story writer yourself. But I doubt that’s what’s gonna happen simply because no one ever guesses right. However tho Uchiha Kagami sounds pretty interesting. Do you know what chapter he was first mentioned?
July 8th, 2012 at 5:27 pm
Madara mentioned orochimaru before (just reread some chapters) when he just got revived and mentioned a plan. Maybe madara tobi and orochimaru are in on the same plan. And that orochimaru knows who tobi is.
If tobi was orochimaru it would be weird why he would still persue getting the sharingan when tobi was allready revealed.
Also when compairing tobi and orochimaru, I think tobi is just like kabuto, another student of orochimaru. Because they both experiment with DNA, esspecially that of Hashirama. It could be that Tobi just succeeded where orochimaru did not.
July 8th, 2012 at 7:43 pm
@mystic vegeta i like everything expect for one thing the whole kagmai being madara son. heres the reason who would the mother be and when could it have he been made think about it he was constantly battling and when he was battling he was either injuried or training then the only plausible time would be after the founding during the short burst of peace b4 the defection but then kagmai would be to young to be an associate of danzo and the third then after he left no possiblity cause well were would he meet and uchiha
July 9th, 2012 at 1:46 am
@dragon616 I see your point, and this my rebuttal:
About his mother: I don’t see a mother playing a big part of it, she would be irrelevant.
About Kagami: Remember the so called Uchiha Curse? The curse of revenge? Madara had it, Kagami, Fugaku (in a way) and now Sasuke.
Now about Kagami’s birth; Madara did live in the Village for a while, that’s when he could have bewn together with someone.
Madara battled Hashirama and became the disgrace of the Uchiha.
When Kagami was born, his mother could have kept the truth from him.
Kagami learned of Madara being his father and h
Now if things would be unraveling as my predictions it would
July 9th, 2012 at 1:48 am
@dragon616 I see your point, and this my rebuttal:
About his mother: I don’t see a mother playing a big part of it, she would be irrelevant.
About Kagami: Remember the so called Uchiha Curse? The curse of revenge? Madara had it, Kagami, Fugaku (in a way) and now Sasuke.
Now about Kagami’s birth; Madara did live in the Village for a while, that’s when he could have bewn together with someone.
Madara battled Hashirama and became the disgrace of the Uchiha.
When Kagami was born, his mother could have kept the truth from him.
Later Kagami learned of Madara being his father and held a grudge against the Senju for “killing” him.
This way Tobi (Kagami) would have both Naruto’s and Sasuke’s story: not knowing (one of) your parents and seeking revenge to avenge them.
Now if things would be unraveling as my predictions it would
July 9th, 2012 at 2:04 am
Also for Orochimaru’s role: when Madara was still alive, he somehow obtained the Rinnegan. The Rinnegan says to have been the power of the Sage of the Six Paths, the father of both Senju and Uchiha. With the same tissue he got from Hashirama, he wanted to enhance his own powers ad fully heal himself from the wound he still got from his battle with Hashirama.
That’s where Oro comes in, Madara needed his knowledge of experiments. While transplanting Hashirama’s tissue, Madara died of the side-effects, giving Orochimaru his start of his fascinating for the Rinnegan and all jutsu, his further developing of Hashirama’s DNA (as he did with Yamato) and how Kabuto obtained both Madara’s and Hashirama’s DNA and how he created the Edo-Tensei Madara.
@37 I don’t know the chapter number, but it’s durin the fight between Sasuke and Danzou, in Danzou’s flashback of Hiruzen becoming Hokage.
July 9th, 2012 at 4:54 am
Orochimaru is immortal if he can transfer to another body in 3 years, what if he possessed Madara’s body too?
Orochimaru may have put a curse mark on Madara, we know Orochimaru always wanted to obtain Sharingan eyes.
Madara knows the hand signs of releasing the Edo Tensei. Only the Second Hokage, Orochimaru and Kabuto knew it, Tobi did not!
Is there some evidence to still say Tobi is Uchiha Madara? Manga is awesome :DDD
July 9th, 2012 at 5:02 am
@mystic vegeta on ur first point ok ill give u the benefit of the doubt solely cause no prediction for the future is ever 100% so for all we know some parts of ur prediction will come true
July 9th, 2012 at 7:28 am
Naruto series biggest mystery; Who the hell is tobi??
July 9th, 2012 at 6:36 pm
you know whats kind of funny i was scrolling back to when tobi first appeared and everyone was commenting oo look another useless character probably not gonna amount to anything i find that to be very ironic
July 10th, 2012 at 1:19 am
Also, Tobi learned the handseals from Kabuto.
July 10th, 2012 at 6:01 am
Hey guys! Chapter 593 has already released!
Check it out: http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/46686274/1