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Naruto: Ninja Destiny Announced for DS
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 10:15 am on 1/10/2008
Tomy and D3Publisher of America have announced that Naruto: Ninja Destiny is coming for the DS this year. This 3D fighter appears to be based in partial part on the much maligned Shinobi Retsuden which came out in Japan. Thankfully it appears the title is getting a makeover:
Ninja Destiny will pit characters from the hit NARUTO series against each other in high-energy combat. Players will use both screens for innovative, unique gameplay featuring trademark ninja moves and the cinematic special techniques of the NARUTO world. NARUTO: Ninja Destiny is scheduled to ship in February 2008.
“We’ve listened to the fans and made a slew of improvements to the Japanese original, including a much faster frame rate, additional characters, and never-before-seen content,” said Laura Yoshioka, director, consumer software of TOMY Corporation. “Through the innovative use of the dual displays and touch screens, NARUTO: Ninja Destiny will bring the series’ iconic battles to players in a way that is only possible on the DS.”
Players will soon be able to take their ninja battles on the road with NARUTO: Ninja Destiny, the first 3D head-to-head NARUTO fighter for the Nintendo DS. Any aspiring ninja can unleash powerful jutsu and take advantage of items to brawl his way to victory against 16 different characters. Dual-screen combat will allow fierce battles to unfold on the top screen while power-ups can be strategically unleashed on the touch screen for fast, frenetic action. Core fighting game fans and casual gamers alike will find plenty to enjoy, thanks to a combo move system that is both intuitive to pick up and challenging to master. Featuring scenes, characters, and storylines from up to the 140th episode of the hit animated television series currently airing on Cartoon Network, NARUTO: Ninja Destiny offers an intense single-player story and versus mode, along with wireless multiplayer combat.
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Another Download for Rise of a Ninja
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 11:34 pm on 1/7/2008
Ubisoft is now offering yet another download for the Xbox 360 title Rise of a Ninja. For 500 Microsoft points you get access to Temari and Chouji as playable fighters. This download also includes two new arena maps as well. If you want to try out the maps and characters before buying, Ubisoft is again offering a trial download which will let you test out the new content several times.
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Episode 216 Airs
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 8:24 pm on 1/11/2007
Episode 216 has aired in Japan. The last filler arc begins!… Episode 216 is titled The Disappearing Craftsman, The Targeted Shukaku.
Click For Episode 216 Spoiler Preview Image:
We’re cool, aren’t we guys?… aren’t we?
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What’s Ahead for the Anime
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 1:31 pm on 1/9/2007
New titles above, 219 appears to close out the Gaara and Four Heavenly Directions People arc. No description on 220, but it’s pretty apparent it’s probably Naruto leaving Konoha with Jiraiya. It’s unclear then whether 221 will be Kakashi Gaiden or the start of Part Two. It could just as easily be KG, so don’t fret people. KG is just as much part two as part one since it’s all flashback, so Studio Pierrot could just as easily bill it as the start of part two.
Edit: I’ve added some more information below. There was some additional information to some of these that really didn’t make sense without some context. They haven’t really made the title of 218 any clearer either. “Water Tiger” may just end up being the name of one of the Four Heavenly Directions… which now that I think about it, it probably is. As the Four directions are represented by the Tiger, Turtle, Bird and Dragon. And one of the characters in “Houki’s” name below is the one for Turtle.
Click Here For Episode Summaries:
Episode 216: Hidden Sand Ninja Cadet Matsuri is taken away by the Shiitenshounin (Four Heavenly Directions People). Tsunade receives a rescue assistance request from Hidden Sand, so she sends Shikamaru to help. Shikamaru sets out to return the favor they (Temari) lent him in the past.
Episode 217: Shikamaru puts Shino and his great detection abilities on the search, while he prepares the plan of attack. On the other hand, Gaara had rushed off alone to combat the Shiitenshounin. Gaara fights the group and has the upperhand, until they reveal their hidden weapon which quickly changes the situation.
Episode 218: Shikamaru and Kiba locate Matsuri and Kankurou and come to help. While Gaara is trapped in Hijutsu of the Shiitenshounin, and all his sand is sealed away.
Episode 219: Shiitenshounin true colors are revealed, being ninja of the Artisan Village, who the Five Great Shinobi villages had ignored. Shiitenshounin are finally down to one person, Houki, who plans to take Shukaku’s chakra to make his ultimate weapon complete and allow him to oppose the Five Great Shinobi Villages.
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Shippuuden Preview on YouTube
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 2:17 pm on 1/8/2007
YouTube has had the short Shippuuden preview clip uploaded. Not much there, we get a quick glimpse at most of the characters. It seems to confirm Takeuchi Junko will be returning as Naruto’s VA. It seems like she has added some more deepness to the voice, so hopefully it works.
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Site Content Update
Posted by: Shikamaru @ 5:46 pm on 1/15/2006
The following areas have new or updated content:
+ Bio: Asama Sandayuu, Sagi, Oowashi, Toki
+ OAV 3
+ Anime Guide: Season Seven
+ Full Biography: Tsunade, Orochimaru, Sasuke
+ Bio: Mousou, Deidara
+ Country Guide: Bird
+ World Map
+ Akatsuki Org.
+ Full Biography: Uchiha Itachi
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