What's the story? While out on a mission, Naruto, Sakura and Shikamaru are attacked by a young knight named Temujin. Temujin is a knight in the service of Haido, a warlord promising to bring peace to the world after it has been racked by war. Haido secretly promoted those wars to get volunteers for his strange human-powered machinery. After conquering his land, he and his army sailed north to take on the armies of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. When the ninja from Konoha become separated, Naruto is forced to partner with Temujin. The Wind Country also acts to repel the invasion, leading Gaara and Kankurou to help in the battle against Haido and his shape-changing female knights. Can Naruto convince Temujin of Haido's evil nature before the invasion can succeed?...
What do I think? This movie follows the formula of the first, having Naruto and his teammates leave Konoha for a foreign land. This story benefits by utilizing non-ninja villains and the Sand shinobi, who offer something new to the usual Naruto movie plot elements.
Final rating: 7/10