Naruto Movie Four

"Naruto: Shippuuden (1)" Original Theatrical Date: August 4th, 2007
What's the story? Evil ninja seek to revive Mouryou, a dark spirit who had been defeated some 20 years previously. The former Demon Country shrine maiden had Mouryou's body split from its spirit. The evil Yomi, a former leader in Mouryou's army, seeks to rejoin the body and spirit so his master can once again walk the earth. But first he must kill the current shrine maiden, to ensure Mouryou can not be stopped again. The shrine maiden Shion is gifted with the ability of foresight. She can see the death of those close to her, who all sacrifice themselves so that she may live. When a team from Konoha is sent to protect her, Shion foresees Naruto's death. Can Naruto convince the cold-hearted Shion that ones fate is not set in stone or will Yomi and his chakra-enhanced men succeed and revive Mouryou?
What do I think? Taking place in the post-timeskip time frame and involving a darker subject matter sets this movie apart from its more lighthearted predecessors. Unfortunately like the previous movies is retains the same formula: Naruto convinces the person he's helping/protecting that they have a bad attitude, Teams from Konoha face off against the main villain's lieutenants, Naruto faces off against the head villain at the end and defeats him with a Rasengan variation. Fortunately this movie pulls off that formula fairly well.
Final rating: 8/10