Rankings in entries from Official Databooks, other data from Databook and source material.
A - B | C | D - E | F - G | H | I - J | K - Kak | Kam - Ke | Ki - Ko | Ku - L M | N - P | Q - R | S - Se | Sha - Sho | Shu - Sou | Sui - Suz | T | U - Z
Ninjutsu (Secrecy and Skill Techniques) |
Ninjutsu are the secrecy and skill techniques of a ninja. Ninjutsu normally require hand seals of some form.
Chakra Kyuuin Jutsu - Chakra Absorption Technique |
Character Use: Akadou Yoroi
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Chakra Kyuuin Jutsu is a special Ninjutsu techinque used by the Leaf ninja Yoroi. After activitating the technique, Yoroi's hand will glow with chakra. When he touches his palm on his opponents body, he can withdraw the physical and spiritual energy out of them. By reducing their chakra, it greatly increases his advantage over his opponent.
Chakra no Ito - Chakra Threads |
Character Use: Fuuma Kagerou
Rank: Unknown
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Special Note: Anime Only
Chakra no Ito is a secret Ninjutsu of the Fuuma Clan. The ninja will create threads of chakra which will start at their heart's chakra circulatory system and extend outwards. These threads can then be wound around their opponents body and internal organs. This essentially will tie their two hearts together and make them become one. Once fully in sync, the ninja's chakra circulatory system can control their opponents system, so if the ninja dies, their opponent dies as well.
The threads themselves are not easily cut by normal means, only a special Fuuma clan tag can cut the strings.
Chakra no Mesu - Chakra Scalpel |
Character Use: Yakushi Kabuto
Rank: Unknown
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Chakra no Mesu is a special Ninjutsu used by medical ninjas. After forming the needed handseals, the ninja will focus chakra to their hands. When their charged hands reach the body of their target, they can extend the chakra internally into the targets body to cut and neatly slice their muscles and blood vessels without harming the surface skin. This technique can be used in battle, but because of its hectic nature, the fine precision required for an instant kill is not feasible. Damage can still be done to the vital organs, but the technique should be used carefully in battle.
Chibaku Tensei - Bursting Earth Celestial Body |
Character Use: Pain, Rikudou Sennin
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary
Chibaku Tensei is a Ninjutsu used by the Deva Realm Pain. Utilizing a form of his attract and repulsion force, Deva will create a compressed dark sphere which can draw in surrounding matter as a massive source of gravity. By launching the sphere into the air, it will begin to draw in the surrounding area, including both rock and natural matter. This allows Deva to imprison a powerful opponent. Due to the high chakra requirements to perform the jutsu, Nagato may need to have Deva within a close range to maintain it.
A powerful enough force, such as a Kyuubified eight-tailed Naruto, can act against the attack and free itself from the rubble prison. When Nagato's ability to maintain the jutsu ends, the gravity force will stop and the rubble will fall back to the earth below. Nagato also revealed that though his version of the attack was impressive, it paled in comparison to the version Rikudou Sennin allegedly used to create the moon itself.
Chidori - Thousand Birds |
Character Use: Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Chidori (a.k.a. Raikiri) is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through any foe. Later, Uchiha Sasuke used his Sharingan and the training of Kakashi to also learn the technique. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi and Sasuke's hand become enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.
After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Kakashi and Sasuke use their quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan user to make the technique worthwhile. The Sharingan will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name. Because of the great amount of chakra needed to utilize the technique, the technique can only be used so many times during the day.
Chidori Eisou - Thousand Birds Sharp Spear |
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m-10m)
Type: Attack
Chidori Eisou is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form an extending spear of lightning. Though unstated, this spear probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through anything which stands in its path, allowing the sword to strike its target with ease. This attack may also be similar to Chidori Nagashi, causing the target to go numb from the electrical charge.
Chidori Nagashi - Thousand Birds Current |
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Chidori Nagashi is a Ninjutsu developed by Uchiha Sasuke out of the original Chidori technique. Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Sasuke is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding. This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, presumably by attacking their nervous system.
Chidori Senbon - Thousand Birds Needles |
Character Use: Uchiha Sasuke
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m-10m)
Type: Attack
Chidori Senbon is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. Though unstated, these needles probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path.
Chidoukaku - Earth Shift Core |
Character Use: Ittan, Oonoki
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m-10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary
Doton Chidoukaku is an Earth Element technique used by Rock ninja. After forming the needed hand seals and placing their palm to the ground, the Rock ninja can change the height of the targeted region of earth. This allows the ninja to use the natural earth surroundings without creating new Doton.
Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu - Healing Resuscitation Regeneration |
Character Use: Shizune, Konoha Medical-Nins
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Chikatsu Saisei is an advanced medical Ninjutsu. The technique allows the medical ninja to use the hair of the one injured as a medium to reconstruct damaged body tissue. The extent of the damage will control how difficult and long the procedure is. The injured person will be placed in the center of a square marked with rites for the procedure. One medical ninja will sit at each corner to provide precise chakra control to help in the cell conversion process. Another medical ninja will sit at the lead to guide the process.
Chou Baika no Jutsu - Super Multi-Size Technique |
Character Use: Akimichi Choji, Akimichi Chouza
Rank: -
Note: Secret Clan Technique
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Chou Baika no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu used by the Akimichi clan. Using this technique the clan member can alter the size of their body. Highly skilled clan members can alter the size of their body to a large scale with little trouble. Those with lesser skills can use the Houren (Spinach) pills. Taking the second pill allows them to accomplish the super multi-size skill if they could not normally attain it. With this skill the clan member grows to enmormous size, allowing them to crush and stomp any opponent before them.
Chou Chakra Rasengan - Super Chakra Spiral Sphere |
Character Use: Uzumaki Naruto + Shion
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Special Note: Movie Four Only
Chou Chakra Rasengan is a combination Ninjutsu used by Uzumaki Naruto and the Demon Country shrine maiden Shion. The two individuals used this technique to seal away Mouryou, a demon who sought to rule the world. At the core of the jutsu was Shion's bell, which held her true power to seal away Mouryou. Around Shion's sealing chakra Naruto poured his own to create a huge Rasengan sphere with enough power and sealing chakra to end the threat of Mouryou.
Choujuu Giga - Super Beast Imitation Drawing |
Character Use: Sai
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m-10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Ninpou: Choujuu Giga is a Ninjutsu used by the mysterious ninja Sai. Gifted with much artistic talent, Sai can remove his special scroll and ink drawings on its surface. Forming the needed handseal he can then give life to the art, allowing it to spring off the page and obey his will.
Choukajuugan no Jutsu - Ultra Added Weight Rock Technique |
Character Use: Oonoki
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Doton Choukajuugan no Jutsu is an Earth Element technique used by Sandaime Tsuchikage Oonoki. This large scale version of Kajuugan no Jutsu, allows Oonoki to increase the weight of the object he touches. When used in conjunction with Kengan no Jutsu, it will greatly increase the power behind his arm. This jutsu can also be cast on other living beings when touching them, to grant them increased striking power.
Choukeijuugan no Jutsu - Ultra Light Weight Rock Technique |
Character Use: Oonoki
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Doton Choukeijuugan no Jutsu is an Earth Element technique used by Sandaime Tsuchikage Oonoki. This large scale version of Keijuugan no Jutsu, allows Oonoki to decrease the weight of the gigantic object he touches. When used in conjunction with his flying jutsu, he can carry these now light objects through the sky.
Chou Oodama Rasengan - Ultra-Big Ball Spiral Sphere |
Character Use: Jiraiya
Rank: -
Note: Senjutsu
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Chou Oodama Rasengan is a Ninjutsu used by the Sannin Jiraiya. After entering his "Sennin Mode" with the father and mother toads, Jiraiya can utilize this giant version of the Oodama Rasengan.
A - B | C | D - E | F - G | H | I - J | K - Kak | Kam - Ke | Ki - Ko | Ku - L M | N - P | Q - R | S - Se | Sha - Sho | Shu - Sou | Sui - Suz | T | U - Z